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One of New York’s top  providers of security systems

For homes and businesses, Unitech Solutions has worked with leaders in the security field for years to assure our customers feel safe and secure whether they are in their home or out.

We offer

A variety of services and are confident that whatever you need in the way of security, we can do it. We offer the most up to date systems available, and are constantly trying to find innovative solutions to everyday security problems.


We offer services to residential, commercial and industrial facilities, and can work out package deals if you would like to protect both your home and office. We even offer customized solutions so that you get exactly what you are looking for, and nothing less.

We take pride

In our years of experience in the industry, as well as our top-notch customer service skills. If you live or work in the Tri-state area and are concerned for the safety of your family, contact us. We take your safety seriously.